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Automotive Technology/Electric Vehicle

Era of Electric Vehicle (1)


Does EV come to us ?

Should we move to this direction ?

Or shall we wait a couple of decades ?


For the CEOs or top managers of automotive manufacturers, these questions are most important and complexed questions to be answered nowadays. To invest huge amount of money for the EV is not a simple decision at all. Of course, a decision not to invest and stay in ICE structure is not an easy one either.


To make a reasonable decision, a variety of features such as, government's support and policy, energy price and forecasting, market maturity, etc should be analyzed and considered. Therefore this matter should be shifted to the highest-paid managers (not our matter). We can talk on a commonsense level "why EV is better than ICE vehicle ?" "What can be an impact on me if EV comes all of sudden ?"


As written in the former posting, the electric motor can bring very high start-up torque (which is absoultely missing in ICE) and even level of torque can be kept through all the speed range. This is really fantastic characteristic as an power plant of a vehicle which needs to vary the speed level and stop and go frequently. Owing to this characteristic of electrical motor, we do not need to install "transmission" at the back of ICE. The most important feature of electrical motor in comparison of ICE is higher efficiency as seen in the slide below. If we see the efficiency in TTW (Tank to Wheel) base EV has 5 to 6 times higher efficiency than those of ICE, this alone can justify the era of EV.



Then why not EV right now ?  Yes, right! Why not now ?

There are still some barriers. The first one is battery price, which is not affordable for a normal public. The second one is reachable distance with one time charging. We are well adopted to the range of 500-600 Km with one time fueling with ICE vehicles. Now we expect the same range of distance regardless of power plant of a vehicle. EV with proper amount of weight still cannot give us this range of distance.


to be Continued at part (2)


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