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Automotive Technology/Comfort & Safety

Autonomous Driving_Map The navigation function will be an essential part of autonomous driving system in addition to the “control” function. The route calculation from the start point to the destination is a normal service supported from the current navigation system, but the current map information is far away from the required quality of map for autonomous driving. For autonomous driving all the information on the m.. 더보기
Autonomous Driving_Control This “Control” part will replace the function of thinking and deciding of human’s brain, therefore we need to have very high level of technology to develop this artificial brain of autonomous driving system. If we analyze the brain function during driving, the sequence could be described : Perceive à Decision à Control Order. For the autonomous driving we need to have exactly same system working.. 더보기
Autonomous Driving_Sensors To realize autonomous driving, the system has to cover all the functions which we have as a perception system in our body, and in addition error-free function should be guaranteed. (Just one functional failure can cause lethal consequence in a road driving situation.) The most important hard working sensor in our body during driving is our eyes, the multi-dimensional functions to check short or .. 더보기
Autonomous Driving_Overview We can tell that the perormance of vehicles has reached a satisfactory level already. The maximum speed has reached over than 200kmh, even over 300kmh in case of luxury one. This means the vehicle speed has reached the level that a humanbeing cannot control with the feedback from driver’s eye body system. In the transmission side, there is already multi-step transmission over 11steps, and furthe.. 더보기