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Automotive Technology/Comfort & Safety

Autonomous Driving_Control

This “Control” part will replace the function of thinking and deciding of human’s brain, therefore we need to have very high level of technology to develop this artificial brain of autonomous driving system. If we analyze the brain function during driving, the sequence could be described : Perceive à Decision à Control Order. For the autonomous driving we need to have exactly same system working like our brain.


The recent vehicles have already several control units, such as, engine control unit (ECU), transmission control unit(TCU), brake control unit (ABS, TCS, ESP), Steering control unit (MDPS), suspension control unit (ASS) and each of them has their own control logic. An important question is that we do develop a new integrated control unit which can include all the other control unit, or develop only one additional simple control unit and  connect it with communication network in the vehicle. It would be difficult for us to make a simple and quick answer considering the complexity of each control system and their integration into one system. It can only be answered by an experienced system supplier of control unit like Bosch, Delphi or Continental (former Siemens Automotive Systems).


So, for the perception and decision process, we need to use camera technology, image processing technology which was not used for automotive technology till now, therefore the company like Intel, Samsung or Microsoft will take the leading role of this field. The preceding step of control will be leaded by traditional automotive industry company like Bosch, Continental or Delphi. To integrate these functions into one integrated system, cooperation between these two different groups is very necessary.

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