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Automotive Technology/Comfort & Safety

Autonomous Driving_Map

The navigation function will be an essential part of autonomous driving system in addition to the “control” function. The route calculation from the start point to the destination is a normal service supported from the current navigation system, but the current map information is far away from the required quality of map for autonomous driving. For autonomous driving all the information on the map should have resolution of maximum 1 meter, and all the changes on the route should be reported and implemented real time base.


To realize this, several technologies should be much more advanced and implemened. At first, the ommunication speed of our net-work (wire and wireless) should be multi-times faster than now. Because the amount of information with a precise map is much higher than a simple navigation system, the current communication speed which was designed only for voice, music file, graphic or video does not fulfill the speed required for autonomous driving information  system. The next issue is a legal one. When the map information is handled as the movie format, every information should be approved by the person in the map information which is practically not possible. The last, but not least issue is data security which is always an issue when we handle an IT technology  and its implementation.


It seems that Google has the most advanced system and information when it comes to a “Map”, therefore the company has and is investing huge amount of capital in this sector even though this is not opened as a real business model yet. Not only Google but also there are several regional strong portal site company, such as, NAVER in South Korea. In this case, the autonomous driving market will be very crowded with traditional system supplier, IT device suppliers and also with portal site suppliers.

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