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Automotive Technology/Comfort & Safety

Autonomous Driving_Overview

We can tell that the perormance of vehicles has reached a satisfactory level already. The maximum speed has reached over than 200kmh, even over 300kmh in case of luxury one. This means the vehicle speed has reached the level that a humanbeing cannot control with the feedback from driver’s eye body system. In the transmission side, there is already multi-step transmission over 11steps, and further increase of gear step has no real meaning. In addition, the type of DCT (Dual Clutch Transmission) and CVT (Continuous Variable Transmission) was already invented and in service.


Now the important theme of vehicle is not anymore the performance like “How fast this vehicle can run ?” but an important issue is the comfort and safety, “How comfortable and convenient can I drive the car ?”.  It is right time to have a autonomous driving car. Let’s have a look on the current status of this field, how far we have reached and when a “real” autonomous car can be seen in the street.


The Innovation Step of Autonomous Driving

Just like any other technology, this technology cannot come all of sudden into our world like magic. Every thechnology has a certain step of development and in this case the steps can be devided into the following five steps.

 Level-1 : Warning danger in driving

Level-2 : Partial automatic Control

            (Accelaration Pedal, Steering Wheel selected by driver)

Level-3 : Integrated Automatic Control

           (Several functions at the same time)

Level-4 : Limited Autonomous Driving

           (Autonomous driving at a limited condition)

Level-5 : Full Autonomous Driving (Like Z-Car in the TV Drama)


Let's have a deeper insight for each development step from the next chapter.


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